Be a Hero sees the needs of orphans all around the world. We are committed to making sure that 100% of what we raise goes to the children.
Our vision of the Shiloh Company is to mentor emerging prophetic persons, to deploy select high-level prophetic voices, and to minister prophetically to leaders in all 'seven mountains' of society!
Whoever has ears to hear let them hear what Spirit says to the churches - Rev 3:13

Stacey Campbell has launched a new prophetic mentorship program called the 'Shiloh Company'.
By joining the Shiloh Company Mentorship Program, you will be empowered in your own prophetic gift to catalyze revival & transformation in the workplace & in your very own sphere of influence!
We Believe God Impacts Lives
Take care of the widow and the orphan believing for one billion children at risk

More than any other segment of humanity, children suffer, in a sense paying for the sins of adults. Today, more than 40 percent of our children live in absolute poverty – a total of 674 million children , and more than a billion children or 56 percent are living in severe deprivation.
In conjunction with our Field Partners, Be A HERO builds Children’s Homes, schools, refugee housing, medical clinics, vocational schools, water projects and other structures that will benefit children at risk. For more information and to learn how you can get involved, click the button below!
We believe God is
Preparing the church for the end-time harvest

Stacey Campbell is the founder of the International Prophetic Council and facilitator of the Canadian Prophetic Council. She has also started other chapters like the Netherlands Prophetic Council and the Australia Prophetic Council.
Stacey also serves as an honorary member of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders, presided over by Cindy Jacobs and located in the United States.
We believe God iMPARTS GIFTS
Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through prophecy when the body of elders laid their hands on you - 1 Timothy 4:14

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