2016 Prophetic Word from Peggy Kennedy: NOW ASSIGNMENT OF THE CHURCH OF CANADA IN PRAYER

Stacey and Faytene,
Thank you so much for calling/hosting the conference video call today.  Being “with” really brings more release and clarity. 


As requested.

  1. The “now assignment of the Church of Canada in prayer” (post election/new government) guiding and guarding

There are two sides of the same coin: Stand on guard:  guarding Canada from and guarding the new government(1)…we must pray for Mr. Trudeau for divine wisdom, for righteous advisors, for divine help as he steps into a most difficult role with demands that he has never faced as he leads in our turbulent times and (2) we must pray to stand on guard for our Canada to protect from the frenzied foes that will seek to fortify through him things that are contrary to the Lord’s divine destiny……Two sides of the same coin…and each comes under: “God keep our land…we stand on guard…”

  1. Psalm 72:1  (The “other” verse on the Peace Tower.)

Give the king thy judgments, O God, and thy righteousness unto the king’s son.

The media has emphasized since the Oct. 19th election of Justin Trudeau that for the first time in our history we have the “son” of a former prime minister elected and leading the government.  Just hours after the election the Lord asked me, “What is the “other” verse on the Peace Tower?”

I knew the Lord was referring to Psalm 72:1 which is “chiseled” onto our Peace Tower on another side from the very  familiar Psalm 72:8……”He shall have dominion from sea to sea…”  For the first time our nation now has a “king’s son.  This “other” verse has been engraved and awaiting this hour.  We the Church, must declare  that righteousness be given to  this “king’s son” as per our godly heritage enscribed on the peace tower.  Our history  gives us not only direction but authority to do so.  Trudeau is in position by virtue of the vote. He will be positioned for righteous rule by the enforcement of the CHURCH.



In addition to the general flow of our video conference call today, I am sending another word which I am sensing for our nation for the coming year.  We will be naming this year:  Prophetic Fullfillment. 

On November 6th I was praying for a small community where we were going to minister.  To my complete surprise I heard the Lord announce:  “This is one of my winecellars.  This is where “treasure is stored in a secret place.”

This immediately tied together a word I had heard and carried for many years.  At that time I was part of praying over a leader who had been significantly used in our nation during the charismatic renewal of the 1970’s. I suddenly began to feel the loss of that era of “golden days” of divine activity.  My agonizing cry was, “Where did it all go, Lord?” 

He answered:  “I have many wine cellars across the nation where I have carefully stored the rich wine harvested from that season. Though it will remain in a place of darkness for a time, I will faithfully draw it out and serve it at the banqueting table that I will set. In that hour the large company that are drawn to the banquet will require not only “new wine” but will need and benefit greatly from the “best – the vintage wine” of previous moves of my Spirit.”

Everything that God has done is because of what God is going to do.

As we move into 2016 I have sensed that He will begin to reveal these “wine cellars”, these places where treasure is stored in secret places.  In looking at Isaiah 45 where that concept is stated, I sensed there will be a specific anointing released upon the Church in the coming year to accomplish prophetic fulfillment even as Cyrus is described prophetically in the chapter.  The anointing prophesied in advance but released at the time when the word will be fulfilled will be many faceted but will reflect the Lord’s sovereignty despite the geo-political landscape.  As noted in Ezra 1 there will be a sovereign stirring by the Spirit upon even government leadership, upon church leaders, and upon the people of God who will respond to the call to be activated into divine plans.  All of this in its uniqueness will bring great glory to the Lord. 

Once again, thank you for the opportunity to share.

With rejoicing,